søndag 25. oktober 2009

I like to travel to new countries i have never been in. I use to travel with my family in the summer vacacion. I like to be on the beach, but i aslo like to walk in the city and look at stuff if i dont do it to long. The thing i like most about travelings is to shop in the cities.
- Silje

I like to travel to new countries, i have been in many contries and have seen alot.
I like to see new things, like big ben, Football fields osv. And go to the beach and shop in the cities. When im in a new contry i like to go to sightseeing , because it's fun and you see the city. And just learn to talk the language, you dont learn much but you learn some word and sentences.
- Amalie

The fifth day

Hey there !

This is our fifth day in South Africa, and yeasterday we were on a museum.
It was very fascinating and it was an one time experience.
Today we're going on safari, in the jungle. We hope to se some lions and giraffes, maybe some snakes to, but we dont want to get to close to the snakes. Later on the evening we are going to participate in a festival. The cultur is very different here so the festivals are not the same.

onsdag 21. oktober 2009

Last night + today


Last night was so fun. We danced for hours and we learned some african moves.

Today we are going to one of the museums to learn a little bit about Africa, but we havent desided witch one jet. I think we are going to the madiba- freedom museum, who is named after the former president Mandela's clan. The theme of the museum is Mzabalazo and charts South Africa's journey to democraty. But now we are going to eat breakfast, we will write more later.

mandag 19. oktober 2009

Our third day

Hey again , our third day in South Africa , and its amazing to be here.
The culture and the food is so different from Norway, you learn alot.
Today we're going to Coca-cola park, aslo known as Ellis park stadium to watch te lions.
The lions, aslo known as the cats are South African rugby union franchise who competes in the super rugby competition. That will be fun, and on the evning we're going to the disco.

lørdag 17. oktober 2009


Hey, the first day in Johannesburg! And the people are so nice. On the airport we met our friend, Stine. She is from Norway, but have lived in Johannesburg in many years. She is going to show us places in South Africa. We live in Sunnyside Park Hotel, it is a beautiful hotel. Tomorrow we're going to Coco-Cola Park, to see the lions play. We will tell you more !

søndag 11. oktober 2009

Our first post

Hey , this is our first post on this blog. We are traveling to South-Africa, and we are going to blog about our travel. We are going to live in Johannesburg.